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SciEcon Insights: Research


In light of eastern and western science

The renaissance of Aristotle and Mencius


Current Executive Chair: Zichao Chen

Inaugural Co-Chair: Zesen Zhuang

Inaugural Chair: Prof. Luyao Zhang

SciEcon Research is an accelerator program for young scholars to conduct exploratory research and identify important open questions for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research of both profound insights and practical impacts.

Event Series (To be launched): Tutorials and Workshops for Research Resources.

Our Publication

Title: A Blockchain-based Decentralized Cloud Storage with“Keeper-and-Distributor” Systems: How a Decentralized Cloud Storage System Can Solve Today’s Cybersecurity Problems.

Internal Link: A Blockchain-based Decentralized Cloud Storage with“Keeper-and-Distributor” Systems

Medium Link:

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